crayon first grade picture

crayon first grade picture

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Welcome to the first post!

I am looking forward to meeting each of you next week at Open House! We will begin in the gymnasium at 5:15 for staff introduction and overview of school policies. After dismissal, please proceed to your child's classroom!

School supplies can be brought to Open House or on the first day of school. Please label the following items: spiral notebook, scissors, clipboard, and both folders.

First Grade
8-#2 pencils                                              
2-24 ct. Crayola crayons                         
6-large glue sticks                    
4-skinny Expo dry erase markers   
2-pink erasers                                       
1-spiral notebook                                      
1- small plastic supply box (5x8)      
1-Fiskar pointed scissors                          
1-poly folder (with prongs)                            
1-poly folder (without prongs)              
1-letter size clipboard                           
Boys: 1-large container of Clorox  wipes    
Girls: 1 box Ziploc bags and 2 large boxes of tissues                             

Please contact me if you have any questions! 

Miss Cunningham

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